The life and times of people just like you... and me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Three Things Learned While Walking

He doesn't usually wear decorations on walks
I started a regular walking regimen this January. Living in Western New York, starting an outdoor walking routine in January may seem a little nuts, but I figured if I kept it up through all of the wind and snow, it would be a habit that sticks for sure! I walked some last spring and summer, but often let work obligations (both real and self-created), children and house tasks deter me from taking the time outside I wanted for myself. After a full three-months of this routine, I'm fairly certain (though the family puts a monkey wrench in it quite quickly!) it will stick and I hope to keep walking. My faithful companion, Storm, is always so sad when we don't go... who could resist?

Best part of walking with kids? Great photo ops!
The kids went with me last year quite a bit. Though I found out later they didn't always think that was a good thing. Said one, "I hate walking with you! You go too fast, and my butt shakes when we get home!" So there may have to be some compensatory measures to keep everyone (semi) happy.

Today, I am pleased to say, Storm and I walked almost two miles. The weather is finally great, and the only thing that made me come inside (other than the need to get to work) was the death of my iPhone battery just as I was about to take the greatest picture for this post! I will charge the phone and get it tomorrow. In the mean time, here are three things I've learned on my walk.

I walk three miles an hour. 
   Just a fun factoid my Log Your Run App taught me, since I haven't used it since last year, I wasn't aware. It amuses me to think, I could make it to our nearest college town while the kids are at school, but someone would need to drive me back in order to beat them home!

My favorite dirt seasonal dirt road looks great!
   It is ready to walk on, thanks in no small part I am sure to our fantastic highway supervisor! Yippee! I'm headed in a different direction (and up a good hill!) tomorrow.

I have an itty-bitty-widdle waterfall
   That's when the phone died. Sorry! It's so cute! I will get the shot for sure!

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