The life and times of people just like you... and me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Note for My Daughters

I have one birth daughter, but feel that the young ladies coming up in the world after me are, in a sense, all my daughters. As such, I have an obligation, to share what I've learned, to tell you the truth, to show you what the view from there looks like from here, and vice-versa.

Thirty-eight seems like a lifetime away when you are 13, 18, 23... but honestly? It is a blink. The older you get, the faster it goes. Let me let you in on a little secret: Life ain't over when you hit 21. You are not old at 30. The reality is, your life, the life you will love and enjoy most, is only just beginning. You will have some realizations in your 30's that will absolutely floor you. You will regret some things from your youth, and you will celebrate some great things you didn't even know you did at the time.

Here's my advice to you:
  1. Care for your skin as if you were already fighting wrinkles and sun damage. When you are at the age where you actually need to worry about wrinkles and sun damage, you will have less to worry about. In short, you do not need a tan.
  2. Drink water. Please don't even talk to me about pop or alcohol! Forget your friends, your body is your TEMPLE, and will be with you long after your friends have moved on. Water is the perfect drink. Give thanks for it, and partake often. 
    No makeup at 38.
    You don't need it either Teen!
  3. No makeup required. Wear it if you want, whatever. But one day, you will be comfortable in  your own skin. It is then you realize that your bright eyes don't need a frame of heavy lashes and eyeliner - maybe such beauty shouldn't be contained in painted frames anyway. 
  4. Dress for school as you will one day dress for work. School is your job. If you do not plan to be a hooker when you grow up, please do not dress like one to go to your current job. Boys pay attention to hookers, boys also notice the young ladies who act like they have some self-respect. You will intimidate some. You will also save yourself some heartache.
  5. Be nice to the people other people are not nice to. Some day, they will write you notes about kindnesses you extended that you do not even remember, and it will remind you that even your early years had meaning and value.
  6. Don't curse in type. Don't post slutty pictures of yourself on the internet. It will get you attention, yes. But if you do this and then start whining about all the nasty boys who want to date you (and do way more than that, believe it!) you will get no pity from me.
  7. If you want to repel adults and people who might one day seek to employ you, ignore #6.
  8. Get outside. Life is short. Computers have a history. Phones have voicemail. Leave it all in the house and Get. Outside! Take a book or some things to draw with. Go for a walk, fly a kite, I do not care!!! Get outside and make some memories. When you are older and stuck in an office, you will have some stored happy to keep you smiling.
  9. Your parents love you. Yep. I promise. You think they hate you because you can't go with so-and-so and stay out all night or whatever the stupid thing is they are making you do that irritates the crap out of you. Believe me, they are not trying to torture you (yes, I thought mine were torturing me too). Truth is, you scare them. You are beautiful and full of potential and the idea that something might in some way compromise that, scares them to death. As well it should. No one in this world will love you like they do, so suck it up and deal. A hug and a "thank you" from a child has never killed a parent either, just sayin'...
  10. Your lumps, your bumps, your moles, your glasses, your teeth, your hair... oooooh honey. They are perfect. Just perfect! Stop worrying and breathe a little, would you please? Just because you do not hear "you are gorgeous" every day does not make it any less true. No one likes a conceited, self-absorbed little snot. Worry about being smarter, not thinner. Worry about if you are working hard enough to attain your goals, not if you are doing the right things to get the attention you think you need.
Ten guidelines may be a lot to remember, but you can come back and re-read them as often as you need. You know what? Sometimes I have to remind myself of them too. I love you. The universe Loves You. Be good to you and treat yourself right, OK?

Three Things Learned While Walking

He doesn't usually wear decorations on walks
I started a regular walking regimen this January. Living in Western New York, starting an outdoor walking routine in January may seem a little nuts, but I figured if I kept it up through all of the wind and snow, it would be a habit that sticks for sure! I walked some last spring and summer, but often let work obligations (both real and self-created), children and house tasks deter me from taking the time outside I wanted for myself. After a full three-months of this routine, I'm fairly certain (though the family puts a monkey wrench in it quite quickly!) it will stick and I hope to keep walking. My faithful companion, Storm, is always so sad when we don't go... who could resist?

Best part of walking with kids? Great photo ops!
The kids went with me last year quite a bit. Though I found out later they didn't always think that was a good thing. Said one, "I hate walking with you! You go too fast, and my butt shakes when we get home!" So there may have to be some compensatory measures to keep everyone (semi) happy.

Today, I am pleased to say, Storm and I walked almost two miles. The weather is finally great, and the only thing that made me come inside (other than the need to get to work) was the death of my iPhone battery just as I was about to take the greatest picture for this post! I will charge the phone and get it tomorrow. In the mean time, here are three things I've learned on my walk.

I walk three miles an hour. 
   Just a fun factoid my Log Your Run App taught me, since I haven't used it since last year, I wasn't aware. It amuses me to think, I could make it to our nearest college town while the kids are at school, but someone would need to drive me back in order to beat them home!

My favorite dirt seasonal dirt road looks great!
   It is ready to walk on, thanks in no small part I am sure to our fantastic highway supervisor! Yippee! I'm headed in a different direction (and up a good hill!) tomorrow.

I have an itty-bitty-widdle waterfall
   That's when the phone died. Sorry! It's so cute! I will get the shot for sure!