There comes a point in life, when you realize your worth. When you decide, you simply are not going to settle for being placed in a position that makes others comfortable, but doesn't utilize your own strengths and skills. It's not OK to be shoved in a corner. It is NEVER OK to allow yourself to be shoved in a corner, when you are meant to shine!
That said, it is also not really OK to assert yourself where you are not wanted, either. It's not fair to you, not fair to those you are imposing yourself upon. It's just time to go. Sometimes, it means letting go of things you always wanted to be part of your world. That makes it really hard. Sometimes, it means accepting that the people you most wanted to SEE you, to accept you and appreciate you are never going to. It means being ready to open your arms and your heart to the people who DO see you, who do appreciate you, who do accept you. Not easy, is it?
The great thing about the man without a country, is that he can choose to make ANY country his own! The same is true when you are pushed out of a "nest" you always thought you'd call a home. You have wings... don't be afraid to use them. It's time for flight, observation, and finding a new place for your heart to dwell.
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