The kids are all about Bake Pops. In a fit of desperation to cheer my son one day, I bought a set of these pans. Actually, I had problems with the website and bought about six sets of these pans, but that's another story.
The one set of pans I did not return (children have amazing abilities to turn bright, happy eyes into sad, starving hound dog eyes in a heartbeat... it's really not cool!) has sat for months now in it's original packaging beside my desk. Sometimes someone will say "We should make Bake Pops!", and almost instantly some other event occurs and the thought evaporates like a drop of water on a super-heated sheet of metal.
I recently had the privilege of volunteering for a book fair at the kid's school and found... oh yes... an entire recipe book dedicated to Cake Pops! Dazzled by exciting photographs of delectable, child-delighting creations and otherwise completely delusional, I bought the book.
That night, I washed the Bake Pop pans. My son gasped when he realized what I'd done. I've made no promises to produce anything more than pre-washed pans at this point. No one knows of the existence of this inspiring piece of literature in our house. I'm content to keep it that way.
After working through my must-do list for the day, I sat with a cup of tea to peruse this spiral-bound, motivational speaker, and quickly realized that Cake Pops (Note the difference here - Cake Pops vs Bake Pops... apparently the cheater mom's go-to) require first baking a cake, then crumbling fresh-baked cake into a fine meal to mix with a bunch of other stuff and six million other steps to produce these divine confections.
"Set aside a couple of HOURS (!!) for the crumbling and molding process," the book states repeatedly.
Yes, and this is the point where I chuckled insanely, tucked the book back in it's dark and reclusive hiding spot, and went back to work.
too funny, don't you hate it when that happens... :-)