The life and times of people just like you... and me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 to Remember

Looking back on the past year, there've been a million hilarious little moments. It's hard to remember them all (hence the blog!) Here's one I find pretty unforgettable.

The Hubby and I took the kids to the Columbus Zoo. This is a favorite family trip we like to take on a near-annual basisd while on our way to visit The Hubby's family. This year, we went around Memorial Day weekend and also saw our oldest nephew graduate high school.

On our drive to Ohio, the kids watch their DVDs. This year, Looney Tunes has been a massive smash with both of them! If I ever have the chance to record Little Miss watching Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny in their "Chaaaaargee!" and "ReeeTReeeaatt!" bit, I swear I will do it. Nothing in her ten years on Earth has ever made her laugh any harder than that.

I spent moments this year on the floor of my kitchen with my back against the cupboards and hands clasped firmly over my laughing mouth, listening to her screaming "Chaaarrrggeeee!" and laughing hysterically! This has been the year for Little Misses sense of humor to finally make it's presence clearly known. Last year, she started getting dizzy when she spins herself around, this year, she found her funny.

But the funniest funny of 2011 for me came from The Dude. At the zoo that day, we were pretty well walked out and beginning to make our way to the car. Hubby was walking in front of Little Miss and me with The Dude, and a rabbit ran across the path in front of them. Hubby said "Dude, look! A rabbit!"

The Dude didn't skip a beat.

"Be vewy, vewy quiet!" He said.

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